Tire le gros lot
Mon nombril
Clos en travaux
Sur son île
Epris au lasso
Cet oiseau bleu
Il vole de biais très haut
et ne mord que les cieux
Il courbe son regard
enclin au dénuement
s’attache au bras qui part
et danse à contre-temps
À se méfier de l’air, de lui
À se méfier de l’air, de lui
À se méfier de l’air, de lui
Qui de toi, de moi, s’oublient ?
Agite des grelots
un rythme au hasard
il se pose, il a chaud
demain, il sera trop tard
Solide et solidaire
Le fil court jusqu’au plomb
des barreaux sous la terre
Pour ça qu’il tourne en rond
À nos aurores, à nos mondes
lassés d’être à l’étroit
étaux d’étoles de peur glacée
de ne plus savoir qui croire
Qui de moi, de toi s’oublient ?
À se méfier de l’air, de lui
Qui de moi, de toi s’oublient ?
Galaxie de fortune
Invisible sous la thune
Il range mes souvenirs
Dans des boîtes interdites
Trop de fous, trop de rires
démangent la peau qui pique
La bouteille pour baignoire
les bulles qui crépitent
il se déplume, je me pare
Ivre encore, je le quitte
Qui de moi, de toi s’oublient ?
À se méfier de l’air, de lui
Qui de moi, de toi s’oublient ?
Galaxie de fortune
Invisible sous la thune
J’ai atterri dans ce zoo après un long voyage
Personne ne m’a jamais dit
que j’allais prendre de l’âge à attendre dans ma cage
Tu vois, je tourne en rond dans ma rage,
sur cette terre au carré, je suis des mirages,
tu me vois sauvage, tu penses me dompter
Regarde-moi dans les yeux,
arrête de tout le temps m’éviter
Ils pensent, ils pensent à ma place
Qu’ils dansent, qu’ils dansent à ma place
Tu penses, tu penses à ma place
Danse à ma place
Je deviens folle dans cet asile où n’règne aucun droits
Si cette prison m’protège, dis-moi de quoi,
d’ici on ne s’évade pas
De ses murs sans papier
J’imagine des gazelles, des girafes et des hyènes
Défiler dans la steppe, prétendre être miennes,
mais la trape se referme sur ces 10 mètres carré
Prends la pose et viens rêver
Dans la fosse l’expérience est plus vraie
Ils pensent, ils pensent à ma place
Qu’ils dansent, qu’ils dansent à ma place
Tu penses à ma place
Danse à ma place,
Allez danse, danse, danse
J’ai mis plusieurs secondes à arpenter cette cour
J’ai cherché des années, ici y a pas d’amour, que de l’eau tout autour Pour remplir mes pensées
Tu vois, je tourne en rond dans ma rage,
sur cette terre au carré, je cherche le large,
si je fais naufrage, que tu penses me sauver
Arrête de m’exploiter Regarde, je ne sais plus danser
Ils pensent, ils pensent à ma place
Qu’ils dansent, qu’ils dansent à ma place
Tu penses à ma place
Danse à ma place
Parle, parle, parle
Parle, parle, parle
Ne la croit pas
Parle, parle, parle
n\’en croit pas un mot
Dégâts d\’égos, lui sans amarre se plaint et fuit
Des bas des hauts, l\’Iliade s\’attarde et se nourrit
Ourlée de drames et de grandes nappes baignées d\’encre
De prophéties de longues dates et de cran
À croire aux accords et aux corps qui s\’arment encore
Parler, ler, ler… Parler, ler, ler…
Accrochée à l\’Acropole, elle lui sourit
Ses mythos ont l\’air d\’éloges qu\’il apprécie
Ourdis de trames contre toutes les mains de sa trempe
Les pièces s’assemblent, le sang afflue sur ses tempes
À croire aux accords et aux corps qui s\’arment encore
Parler Ler, ler Parler
Elle parle et il n\’entend pas
Il parle et elle n\’entend pas,
parle et parle, elle parle, il parle et parle et parle
n’en croit pas un mot, non pas un mot
Déplacée par le courant, elle l\’avertit
Le passé teinte le présent de ses non-dits
Oui les démons cachés sous les draps de Cassandre
Jamais déminés restent en place à prétendre,
à croire aux
À croire aux accords et aux corps qui s\’arment encore
Parler, ler, ler… Parler, ler, ler…
Chut, ma main sur ta bouche
Chut, trahie en un souffle
J\’ai baissé la garde,
cessé de me méfier
t\’ai confié mes armes
que dans mon dos tu as plantées
Cours, cours, ne me retournent
pas nos confidences en ce jour de grand froid
mais ma ma main sur ta joue se déplace
si des cils tombent, la chance se déploie
Ma main dans ta gueule
ma main dans ta gueule
ma main dans ta gueule si douce
gloria, paria, furia todos los diaaas
gloria, paria, furia todos los diaaas
Marre de rouler dans la boue
Marre que tu me mentes sur tout
Marre de tes crasses, de tes faux scoops
J\’ai croisé ton regard et cette rage qui boue
L’écume te maintient dans une haine loin de tout
gloria, paria, furia todos los diaaas
gloria, paria, furia todos los diaaas
T\’as posé tes coudes sur la table où s\’échouent
nos idées, nos pensées nos mondes mille fois refaits
Coule, coule, ne me replonge pas
au front charger sous l\’eau froide de tes blâmes
ma magie ne fait pas de dégât
je n\’ai pas de barricade pour le fantôme de tes bras
Ma main dans ta gueule
ma main dans ta gueule
ma main dans ta gueule si douce
Gloria, paria, amigas todos los diaaas
Gloria, paria, amigas todos los diaaas
Je veux de mes songes
les montées sans les descentes
et de tes mensonges
la fantaisie sans les cendres
Je veux toute la nuit courir après le son
Que les étoiles, ces braises, dans tes pupilles se fondent
What\’s this perfect mess ?
On se projette, puis on se protège
What\’s this perfect mess ?
On se promet puis on proteste
Je veux m\’envoler
Je veux couvrir ton corps
d\’espaces et de pointillés, non jamais me lasser
Je veux croire encore, oui qu\’on a le temps
de grimper des falaises
et remonter le courant
What\’s this perfect mess ?
On se projette, puis on se protège
What\’s this perfect mess ?
On se promet puis on proteste
I wanted to mess around I\’ve spent so many I\’ve gone and it was not right
But oh men you\’re not ok I\’ve spent so many to you, for me it was ok
Wanted to mess around spent so many times there\’s no perfect time
Present is past on the way no time to ask if I\’d stay there are so many ways
Je veux plus fermer les yeux
si derrière mes paupières
on ne s\’écroule pas à deux
sur de nouvelles, de plus belles chimères
Je veux pas parler de distance
amputer aux kilomètres
mon indifférence et tes étiquettes
On veut bien faire et puis on se jette
On se promet puis on proteste
Save me some spare space
See my brightest face
Welcome in sleepless paradise
Where tightrope walkers toss the dice
Don\’t deprive yourself
Phoenix dies and rises with grace
For each tear, a star to come
A gallery of asteroid farandole
No pressure, no master plan, no, no blueprint, no plot
No pressure, no master plan, no, no blueprint, no plot
No pressure, no blueprint, no plot, no pattern, no law
No pressure, no no no law
Breathe me, we both float
Keep me in the heat of your coat
Follow my beauty spots
Skin hostage, love shots
Hijack some fresh air
Ransack our fever with care
For each dream, don\’t expect more
Than climbing to the upper floor
No pressure, no master plan, no, no blueprint, no plot
No pressure, no master plan, no, no blueprint, no plot
No pressure, no blueprint, no plot, no pattern, no law
No pressure, no no no law
Each second is so long
Time slows down when you\’re not around (x2)
No pressure, no blueprint, no plot
No pressure, no master plan, no law
No pressure, no master plan no law
No pressure, no no no law
No, no blueprint, no law
No, no blueprint, no law
À pas de loup, s\’avancent sur le fil
des mots qui ploient à la première brise
L\’aplomb de l\’assaillant
démonté en silence
prend bas sur la conscience
le vertige et la sueur
à salir ton honneur
Personne n\’ose de peur
ta carapace sème la terreur
à perdre de la hauteur
Plutôt crever que de t\’excuser
Tu ne commets jamais d\’erreurs
Victime crache
ta bouche en cœur
T\’y es pour rien
Les autres sont des menteurs
Tes prétextes sont des chances
des vies supplémentaires
debout devant l\’évidence
gonfle l\’armure intérieure
Hostile à salir ton honneur
ta carapace sème la terreur
à perdre de la hauteur
Plutôt crever que de t\’excuser
Tu ne commets jamais d\’erreurs
Encaisser, claquer des dents au moindre de tes soupirs
Plus de pincettes, ni d\’ongles rongés
J\’ai plus la foi, je me tire
du harem des proies
Hostile, hostile, hostile, hostile ,hostile
Tu ne commets jamais d\’erreurs
We could, we could, we could care
but instead we are beluga baby
Pachamama could we care ?
Once again, the ocean prayer
What\’s your plan now ?
What\’s my plan now ?
Forget pleasure
Forget patterns
For days after
For years later
What\’s that shame we carry the weight ? (awimal)
We could, we could, switch our plans
Bycatch rates in your stomach
We could, we could, risk our lifestyle (Silent grief in your plate)
What it takes to end in your stomach
What it takes to end in your stomach
How do we hold now ?
How do we hold now ?
Shifting patterns
Raising matters
For days after
For years after
What\’s that shame we carry the weight ?
Piece of plastic, love and krill
Those masterpieces in the deep sea
Bottom trawling many species
Piece of mastic, love and kill
unwanted marine ressources
one recourse is
to join our forces
join our forces, join our forces
join our forces, join our voices, join our forces, join our voices , hum hum hum
Tu t\’excuses, tu éteins
L\’incendie dans mes reins
Un peu du tien, un peu du mien
Et le baume nous maintient
Cette fois, c\’est la dernière
gorgée de mystère
Plus de retard, d\’effet miroir
À carreaux la dentelle
Tu cries écarlate – low high, low high
Tes ordres en bataille – low high, low high
Tu crames toutes tes cartes – low high, low high
La terre à bout de bras
Toujours la même rangaine
Le bruit du placard
Si les trains se perdent
Les traces, les cernes
Ma parano pas sage erre
Douze fois manque à l\’appel
Figé au fond du bar
pose ton verre
tombe ce soir
Le rideau sur nos guerres
Tu cries écarlate – low high, low high
Tes ordres en bataille – low high, low high
Tu crames toutes tes cartes – low high, low high
La terre à bout de bras
Pourtant entre nous, c\’est de taille
one love c\’est tout, solide sans faille
Pourtant entre nous, c\’est de taille
one love c\’est tout, solide sans faille
Tu cries écarlate – low high, low high
Tes ordres en bataille
À la courte échelle
à un barreau près
cherche une aile
pour s\’échapper
Dans la cage, des paliers
de non dits en dénivelé
en différé
Les gens s\’arrêtent
se penchent à la fenêtre
se demandent s\’il reste autant
de grâce à la mi-temps
A genoux non
plus jamais non
Courbe la tête et rampe
Avoue (tout que)
plus jamais non
Crache, jure et tremble
En bouteille
à la mer, à ma place
En bouteille
à la merci du large
À temps partiel
un poids de côté
cherche une greffe
le cœur tuméfié
Dans la rage, des scalpés de l\’innocence
comparaissent, (au procès)
Sur le banc à un mètre
face à face à facettes
il dégaine sans gants
son poison, sa place en prison
A genoux non
plus jamais non
Courbe la tête et rampe
Avoue (tout que)
plus jamais non
Crache, jure et tremble
Au scalpel
à la vie, à la hâche
Ta gangrène se détâche
Lentement, lentement, lentement, lentement
A genoux non
plus jamais non
Courbe la tête et rampe
Avoue (tout que)
plus jamais non
Crache, jure et tremble
En bouteille
dans le fracas des vagues
En bouteille
Sur toi les chiens je lâche
En bouteille
dans le fracas des vagues
En bouteille
Sur toi les chiens je lâche
I shut myself away
Double locked the garden gate
The keys I ditched now decayed
Forgotten in a all planned out fate
I grabbed a reason shell
Fit it out in order, so well
When it broke down, all damaged
I covered it with laughter, undercover, undercover
I want to break down the walls and the process
Destroy my shell, my faults
I want to break down the walls and the process
Alive as never, never before
One night the fortress sides
You sustained all alone
Fell down despite of the signs
And my heart fled far from home
Dry for so many months
Accross this desert called comfort zone
I know I have to share
Now elsewhere, elsewhere
I want to break down the walls and the process
Destroy my shell, my faults
I want to break down the walls and the process
Alive as never, never before
Alive as never, never before
Alive as never, never before
Au banc des invisibles
Sur la touche, un missile
T\’as les yeux qui brillent
Ce visage d\’ange prêt
à heurter les nuages
Gratter l\’horizon, des miettes, des restes, des cendres
Guetter les tensions, les gestes, les textes, attendre
Mon heure, tourne retourne l\’honneur
Il reste le même, fidèle
fidèle à lui-même, fidèle
il sème, il s\’aime, il s\’aime
Autour, tout le monde sait
Autour, tout le monde se tait
Tu souries, il t\’enlace
Efface un peu les traces
Lime tes cornes en secret
Gober ses mensonges, ses doutes, ses faux pas
Croire aux illusions, au doux mariage, attendre
Mon heure, tourne retourne l\’honneur
Il reste le même, fidèle
fidèle à lui-même, fidèle
il sème, il s\’aime, il s\’aime
De ces poussières d\’ennui
qui se sèment et sortent de l\’ombre
desserrent les noeuds endormis
et se fument en quelques secondes
sur une façade ordinaire
sous le soleil insolent
à la soif de toujours plaire
De toi le petit roi
détenu au royaime des flous
tu dégrafes encore
la ville et ses dessous
Désert, des visages
Désert, des mirages
Désert, des mirages partout
De ces mécaniques de chair
qui se sèvrent en battements de bombes
désarment et déshabillent
quand sur tes lèvres passent les blondes
Paris à cœur et à cran
Pigalle, Bastille, Ménilmontant
L\’asphalte au marqueur
Désert, des visages
Désert, des mirages
Désert, des mirages partout
Et de toi, je ne serai reine
Toi le roi, je ne serai tienne
Désert, des visages
Désert, des mirages
Désert, des visages
Des taches sur tes pages
Hambach forrest, don\’t say rock
Up on an old oak, a sentinel walk
Hear the speeches above the peak
Primitive lands become so weak
Break in, woods soul is stamped
Dig in, deep the ground
They force in, they break in
12 000 years memory
142 species
200 year-old oak glory
Countless wildlife corridors
Break in, all year round
Spoiling what really counts
They force in, they break in
Replace trees with coal
Disgrace in the eyes of all
Muddy fairytale, money digs the graves,
Muster their soldiers, full with shareholders,
Take down trees and excavate
Carbon dioxide, misguide wildlife,
Non stop emissions, suffocate, don\’t ask,
Who\’s next on the death species show ?
It leads, it leads, to this world
It leads, it leads, to your world, this world, your world
Now I want to risk all my principles
I\’m sick for all of this for the sake of profit
Not so much of them earn a lot of money,
When some play for free and live high in the trees
Fight this way of life
Hyperconsumption means exploitation, means exploitation
I just wanna live up to my principles
Are you really ready to stop to consume ?
Replace trees with coal
Disgrace in the eyes of all
Alerts ringing on my heart dot com
Enchain yourself to excavators
This is a fight against energy gang
Come on, take my hand, the battlefield is scanned,
The biggest polluters move their black checkers
Who\’s next on the death varieties show ?
It leads, it leads, to this world
It leads, it leads, to your world, this world, your world
Now I want to risk all my principles
I\’m sick for all of this for the sake of profit
Not so much of them earn a lot of money,
When some play for free and live high in the trees
Fight this way of life
Hyperconsumption means exploitation, means exploitation
I just wanna live up to my principles
Are you really ready to stop to consume ?
Hit the road to convenience
What happens in wonderland ?
More weapons and guns
What happens in wonderland ?
They closed the borders
War at the door, invisible gate
Warning alert, now emergency state
They merge respect and suspect
Don\’t you dare have a look at the other side,
I don\’t want you to know we\’ve lied
Please don\’t look at the other side,
I don\’t want you to know we\’ve lied
The white bunny has sold the door and everything we\’re fighting for
Wisdom drowns in quicksands
What happens in wonderland ?
Birdmen stuck to the grounds
What happens in wonderland ?
They closed the borders
Peace intents as mirror shards
War is sent as postcards
Don\’t you dare have a look at the other side,
I don\’t want you to know we\’ve lied
Please don\’t look at the other side,
I don\’t want you to know we\’ve lied
The white bunny has sold the door and everything we\’re fighting for
I don\’t want you to know we\’ve lied
The white bunny has sold the door and everything we\’re fighting for
I don\’t want you to know we\’ve lied
I don\’t want you to look at the other side
Please don\’t look at the other side,
I don\’t want you to know we\’ve lied
The white bunny has sold the door and everything we\’re fighting for
Tonight, I can\’t help thinking about the waves
Tonight, I can\’t help (it), the ocean is their grave
In those arks, Noah\’s out, they\’ve been left alone
Once the East became the South, they get lost
Tonight I can\’t help thinking about their wings
Apart from their backs, floating away on the sea
Before fleeing the dark, they joined their own sun
Hundreds of thousands radiant as one
Hope is a land to walk
a place where you can speak out loud
Long is the cross and harsh
Smugglers stole money and hearts
The harsh search for a better life
A second shot at a better life
Tonight I can\’t help thinking about their choice
Tonight I can\’t help, the horizon for own voice
Gone for a brand new home, dangers to overcome
Will they find our doors open, will you open yours ?
Hope is a land to walk
a place where you can speak out loud
Long is the cross and harsh
Smugglers stole money and hearts
The harsh search for a better life
A second shot at a better life
Hope is a land to walk
a place where you can speak out loud
Long is the cross and harsh
Smugglers stole money and hearts
He drives at night in the woods
So nervous, a real bad mood
The flames are dancing
The dog is barking close to the house
He closes his door and the roof
embraces the sky, red red rude
The neighbors are sleeping
The snow is melting around the house
Burn burn burn burn burn it down
Burn burn burn burn burn till dawn
Burn burn burn burn burry his faults
Burn burn burn burn burry his faults
6 months later, hot in summer
He counts his money, got the fever
The insurance saw nothing
The neighbors keep blaming him for the ruins
He loads his truck, with plastic scrap
Trash and ashes, filling the gaps
The National Park is blind
The source smells so bad cause of the ruins
Burn burn burn burn burn it down
Burn burn burn burn burn till dawn
Burn burn burn burn burry his faults
Burn burn burn burn burry his faults
He says he sets the fire to keep warm
Forgot to call the firemen, nature is wild
And he didn\’t use no water
Let the motherfucker burn
Burn burn burn burn burn it down
Burn burn burn burn burn till dawn
Burn burn burn burn burry his faults
Burn burn burn burn burry his faults
I live in this corridor
Where my demons ask for more
I live in this corridor
My heart is full of red ants
Each one raise 3 times it\’s weight
My heart is full of red ants
Lend me your eyes for a morning, a night, a second, eternity
Lend me your eyes
Cover this 2 square meters
Grow some venus fly traps flowers
Cover this 2 square meters
Uncap the rough and shake the sky
It\’s time to ride on upside down stars
Uncap the rough and shake the sky
Lend me your eyes for a morning, a night, a second, eternity
Lend me your eyes
Before I break down and break my head on,
I break my head on what\’s in front of me,
Oh no I break my head on,
I break my head on what\’s in front of me,
too close to reality, reality
Dig a hole in this fucking whity wall
Grab a fish and swim to Roma
Dig a hole in this fucking whity wall
Draw in my mind all around the world
Simple pleasures for great treasures
Draw in my head around the world
Dig a hole in this fucking whity wall and crawl (Carry my breathe)
Draw in my mind all around the world and more (Carry my breathe) Turn my arm into a tunel of corals and more (Carry my breathe)
Turn my arm into a tunel of corals and more (Carry my breathe to the Acropole)
Lend me your eyes
Lend me your eyes for a morning, a night, a second, eternity
Lend me your eyes
Before I break down and break my head on,
I break my head on what\’s in front of me,
Oh no I break my head on,
I break my head on what\’s in front of me,
too close to reality, reality
You decide to darken blue or white
So afraid to try to make it out
You abort any chances to be right
Step aside before, before they call you out
You are not as good as you pretend
I am not the only one to blame
You won\’t be my long-lasting burden
It\’s too late for a happy ending
You decide to darken days or nights
Never dare to show what you\’re worth
Ambition is a word you ban
Too afraid to try, to try not to fail
You are not as good as you pretend
I am not the only one to blame
You won\’t be my long-lasting burden
It\’s too late for a happy ending
Too late, too late, too late, too late
Your weeks are week-ends with no end
Good for a season, not my plans
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t want to take control
your life is shitty, you make it on your own
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t want to take control
your life is shitty, you make it on your own
I don\’t care
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t care
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t want to take control
I don\’t want to take control
your life is shitty, you make it on your own
He switched from the light hall to the back of the black wall
He saw what\’s behind for a while
Lost his smile
He learnt from everyone enemies are all around
Not every family
is a little army
When is the last trooper ? When will stop the murders ?
What if you stopped playing soldier ? Blood and blood and anger
He switched from the uniform to a mind monochrome
Can\’t hide, can\’t run
The past is never gone
He waits for an eclipse to fade into catharsis
Stands at the ready
Hopes to be free
When is the last trooper ? When will stop the murders ?
What if you stopped playing soldier ? Blood and blood and anger
They didn\’t know they were civilians
In a school they\’re no humans
For sure, the kids wore weapons too
But they don\’t play, they don\’t play the way you do
Then will come the last trooper, he\’ll stop all these murders
And no one will play soldier ? Alive, no more troopers
Set them free, set them free, set them free, set them free
Hi Mr Jekyll
Do you mind if I borrow this strange devil by your side ?
Hidden inside he killed some of my dreams
I let him forget my mind
Hey Mr Jekyll,
How can you be so mad and yet seem so wise?
What if I stole you sheep\’s perfume to catch a wolf,
or 1 or 2 or the werewolf
We\’re divided
We\’re divided
The good the bad, what\’s unexpected
Hi Mr Jekyll,
I heard you drilling in your room late at night
The hell hole you screamed in is full of pictures,
I had in my mind
Hey Mr Jekyll
How can you be so sad and yet seem so bright ?
You stand in the front row, shining, no one saw you rob,
you robbed them all, you robbed them all
We\’re divided
We\’re divided
The good the bad, what\’s unexpected
How do you ruin their lives and make them clap ?
What if I start to snatch your whole business,
Sure I won\’t hide, I won\’t hide
We\’re divided
We\’re divided
The good the bad, what\’s unexpected
Till you walk again, you talk again
We\’ll be there by your side
Like angels by your side
We cry anger, anger
Comes the storm, next the sun
You lost your voice (x3)
Don\’t worry you\’ll talk again
Deep within you, under your skin
Till your skeleton, I hear your blood singing
From North to South
From your feet to your mouth
Hold your strength to fight for life
From your room to the front door
Halls, gardens,
soon you\’ll walk again
In the house, in the malls,
From the forrest to the ocean
The words to be placed
The walks to be phrased
You make me believe
you\’ll talk again, you\’ll walk again
Don\’t worry, we\’re all around
Fighting for you, every morning has to run
Even the moon will wake up at noon
Don\’t worry, we are one
You lost your voice (x3)
Don\’t worry you\’ll talk again
Deep within you, under your skin
Till your skeleton, I hear your blood singing
Forth from the earth
A flow of heart to rebirth
Hold your strength to fight for life
From you hand to your ankle
Bones, muscles
sure you\’ll smile again
Just one, two, one more
longer step to go further
The words to be placed
The walks to be phrased
You make me believe
you\’ll talk again, you\’ll walk again
Don\’t worry, we\’re all around
Fighting for you, every morning has to run
Even the moon will wake up at noon
Don\’t worry, we are one
– FEAR –
Fear is the 1st enemy
No rules, no law for fear, born everywhere in the city
In your head begins the war
As a spy in disguise,
she seeps in and she rises
where your weakness are
At first, you\’re quiet, you control
Then the fear creeps into your home
Treasures and strategies you swear
to fight in this middle of nowhere
You\’d really like to enjoy the thrill
But that matters is a prayer
Allow yourself a prayer (x3)
Fear is the 1st enemy
In your body, you feel fear, every face turns creepy
It\’s getting cold
When breath runs away
No courage, no replay
How long can you hold?
At first, you\’re quiet, you control
Then the fear creeps into your home
Treasures and strategies you swear
to fight in this middle of nowhere
You\’d really like to enjoy the thrill
But that matters is a prayer
Allow yourself a prayer (x3)
Fear is my 1st enemy
Reason can help ; for a while to feel in safety
If you light it up sometimes
What grows dark can\’t last
Away fake artefacts
Shade is in the past
At first, I\’m quiet, I control
Then the fear creeps into my home
Treasures and strategies I swear
to fight in this middle of nowhere
I\’d really like to enjoy the thrill
But what matters is a prayer
Allow myself a prayer
– GO –
It took such a long long time
Nothing before
No, nothing before
was ever said, ever said
Long time, long time, long time, long time
But this guy was all set to
a strange endless game, a strange endless game
Heavy words, he used heavy words
When he took things the wrong way
Is it a toxic road ?
Is it a toxic pace ?
Would he let me go ?
And then I figured it out one day
He loved a poster, his own reflexion
Long time, long time, long time, long time
I noticed I was not in there
I know life can come this way
But I can\’t struggle with him day after day
Is it a toxic road ?
Is it a toxic pace ?
Would he let me go ?
Is it a toxic road ?
Is it a toxic pace ?
Would he let me go ?
Old, old man, forget your age
Old, old man, get out of your bed
You had some guts to climb on that branch
To get your head out of the sand
Worse or better, whatever the end
You stepped up to the plate
You had some guts to climb on that branch
To get your head out of the sand
Worse or better, whatever the end
You stepped up to the plate
Now, who\’s gonna catch me when I fall ?
What can wake you up while you mope ?
Now, who\’s gonna catch me when I fall ?
What can shake you up while you mope ?
You gave oxygen to some little little plans
Got excited by silent parades
Tackled new roles, expected no thanks
Sought a new breath in fish tanks
You had the strength to stare it down
No guidelines, no remote controls
You\’ve fought through the fog, massive all around
Never afraid to play the fool
Now, who\’s gonna catch me when I fall ?
What can wake you up while you mope ?
Now, who\’s gonna catch me when I fall ?
What can shake you up while you mope ?
Sour you became, Inert, no more flame
Behind your dark screen
Energy is a quest, In your sofa you rest
Blind to what\’s real
Now, who\’s gonna catch me when I fall ?
What can wake you up when you mope ?
Bitter you became, Intolerant you blame
The whole planet to decay
Free spirit is a quest , In your sofa you rest
Return to the main display
Now, who\’s gonna catch me when I fall ?
What can wake you up when you mope ?
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For booking inquiries or just to say hello,
please send us a message
and we\’ll get back to you asap.
Contact Promo Booking – PANDRAVOXETC@GMAIL.COM